Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Meet The Youngest Son

While my oldest son was having his adenoid removed, I was pregnant with my now 4 year old son. I was scared through the pregnancy that he too, like his older brother would be premature. This one went to the book. He grew fine, and his due date was March 10, 2005.

When November rolled around I lost my grandfather to cancer. I thought this sadness of my wonderful grunting grandpa would upset me so much I would have this baby early too. But come to find out this child who shared the date I was supposed to be born, seemed to have the same hard head that I had. He was waiting it out.

March 10 I had a appointment if I hadn't had him yet. Well that day rolled around, no baby yet. The doctor said I had been having contractions but he was sure he didn't need to tell me. He decided to, ouch, stretch my cervix. Not too much fun but he did tell me to expect to go into labor that night or the morning after. Sure enough, March 11, my 22nd birthday, labor had decided to come visit and wish me happy birthday. I called my mom and she came to wait for my oldest to wake and take him to her house. My husband drove me to the hospital, I thought there was no reason for the pain of labor on my birthday.

So we waited in the hospital. The nurses checked me and I was 8 cm. About 10 mins later I told them I had to have the baby, my body was starting without anyone, it was very ready. They didn't believe me really, said I couldn't have fully gone to 10 cm in ten mins and checked again. Yep, 10 cm, but the nurse urged me not to have the baby now, the doctor was still in another room helping someone else have their baby. She had delivered a baby before but didn't want to do it again. It was kinda comical and still is to think about it now. But then my baby's heart rate kept dropping, he was going up and down again with each contraction. This scared me so much thinking of how great the pregnancy had gone. Even though when I went in, they realized at some point I had lost all the fluids and were pumping water inside me for our baby.

The doctor finally came in and in 3 mighty pushes, there he was. 6 lbs and healthy.

Now today, I say as many do, if I had him first, he would have been an only child. This 4 year old decided he was ready for everything way before he was. He started pulling himself up and walking along things at 6 months. He hadn't even fully been sitting up when he decided to try to pull himself up on things. He has always been a daredevil and has the scars to prove it. He feels next to no pain but if he does, mommy kisses makes it go away instantly. I think at times he just wants the kisses.

He wasn't as much of a challenge as his older brother in the sense that he had kinks to work out, but wow, he is always making me feel like gray hairs are sprouting from fully brown hair. I think one day I will wake up to nothing but white hair.

A famous Julian quote - "Mommy! I have a question! ............ I love you"

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